Tag Archives: Linux

Is the LAMP Stack Obsolete?

For many years, the LAMP stack was the king of the world of web development. If you wanted to build a successful, stable and high performance website you would use Linux, Apache, a database (usually MySQL) and PHP/Perl.
Today, that has started to change. An increasing number of websites are being built based on other frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, and one app may use multiple languages – such as PHP, Python, Ruby and JavaScript. Instead of building a “stack” we sit languages next to each other, relying on distributed computing an cloud servers to build a scalable website.

The Tools Are Not Obsolete

The tools themselves are not obsolete. Linux is still the operating system of choice, and Apache is still one of the better servers (although Lighttpd and nginx are becoming increasingly popular). PHP is still a good language, and MySQL, while losing some ground to PostgreSQL, is still a good database choice.
The issue is not with the tools, simply the way we use them. The days of monolithic architectures are ending. Web Developers are working with increasingly complex setups in the cloud, and this requires a new way of thinking.

The Linked Framework

Thanks to Amazon Web Services and other cloud solutions, developers can now install any applications and frameworks they need on a cloud server with just a few mouse clicks. These cloud services are elastic – when you need them, they’re available and will expand to offer as much computing power as necessary. When you don’t need them, the processes are stopped and you are no longer billed – you only pay for what you use.
This system is a boon for developers. It’s fast, inexpensive, and flexible. It may be that the LAMP stack is becoming obsolete not because of a lack of power, but because of a lack of flexibility – why pay for power if you aren’t using it?

Windows vs Linux for Web Hosting

Purchasing web hosting for the first time can be a confusing proposition. There are so many different packages to choose from – do you want a dedicated server, a VPS or a shared host? Is Windows better than Linux? Deflate64 will enplane.
Well, the answer to the first question depends on the size and number of websites you want to host. The answer to the second question is also “It depends”.

Your Personal OS Choice is Not Important

Some people assume that they should use the same OS on their web host as they are on their PC. This is not necessary. Your web host is separate from your PC. You connect to your host using an FTP client, and a Windows computer can connect to a Linux host (or vice-versa) without any issues.

Your CMS Choice is Important

If you plan to create your website from scratch yourself then you should choose whichever OS you are most comfortable with and that supports the programming language and server technologies you wish to use.
However, if you are planning on installing a CMS such as WordPress, Magento, or Joomla, you should look for a host that offers good support for those.
In general, Linux based web hosts that use Apache, PHP and MySQL are better supported in terms of community scripts than Windows hosts. Usually, Linux hosting is cheaper too – especially when it comes to more powerful servers.
If you plan on running game servers rather than just simple websites, then Windows hosting may offer better compatibility.

Security and Speed

Both Linux and Windows hosting offer good security, speed and reliability, as long as they are configured correctly. If you aren’t confident in your abilities to maintain a server yourself choose a shared host or a managed VPS so that the web hosting company takes care of the heavy duty maintenance for you.